Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Whack Snack

My roommate finished Twilight:New Moon which means we can collectively turn it in to the Rothrock Library and take out Twilight: Eclipse. I have never been more excited for a 12 hour vampire marathon.

I haven't been to Switzerland since I was six. Interesting.

A Haiku
People (People who
need People) are the Lucki
est People in the

I really like making Lists.

Lists I Like
To Do Lists
To Buy Lists
Fun Things to Partake in Lists
Lists of New York Things I will do with my Brother when he Visits Lists
Lists about Lists
Lists about Lisps
Lists that pertain to Life Goals!
Lists of things that make me Giggle
Restaurants to Eat at Lists
Shows I need to Watch Lists
Lists of things to write about
Books to Read
Hours to Sleep
Life to Live
People to Think
Panda Bears

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