(The pictures are not good quality, but I am stoked of their content.)
Friday, July 31, 2009
Quill Snack
(The pictures are not good quality, but I am stoked of their content.)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
High School Snack
I've been thinking a lot about high school. In part, I think, because a lot of my new play deals with my own perceptions about myself and relationships I have with other people. The characters in it all or mostly went to the same high school. There's the girl that is an all-angles Me: exaggerated stereotypes of myself, things I know and hate about myself, things I would be if the world were more hurdy gurdy. The Platonic Male Friend: a stock character that has always played a part in my life, from Drew and Danny when I was three years old all the way up through to the age of Sunil and Cameron and Al Petrusek into the Age of Neisler. Then, there's the Unattainable Crush: Another stock role in my life, one that plagued me heavily as I walked the halls of Mountain Pointe. He's a mixture of every sort of lovelorn misfortune from 4th grade (Austin) to 12th (Smiles McGee*).
I was so transparent! It pains me to read my old blogs. I spent half of my childhood in love with people who, very graciously, pretended that they had no idea. Saving me from myself? Perhaps. Deflection of Awkwardness? Completely.
I drunkenly went to a psychic last night with four or three of my closest platonic male friends. She said that I need to unleash myself from my negative blocks; that love might be staring me in the face and that I might not be recognizing it. I left the room and stumbled out into the street and took each one of them by the head and stared into their faces, looking for a semblance of truth in her words. An answer to her posed question. Instead, we fell into laughter, gave each other high fives, and danced our way to the train.
*Some names have been obviously changed to protect the innocent victims of my unrequited love.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
War and Peace Snack
So I don't have work today, which is exciting because I also did not have work yesterday, which is exciting because I also did not have work Monday. Whoa! I'm spending my precious hours walking around outside, buying wine, seeing movies in parks, reading War and Peace, working on my research journal for a thing I'm writing, and eating delightful things.
These things include: shakes, shacks, snacks, hummus, carrots, cheese, cheese, cheese, crackers!, meats, meatballs, torts, tarts, cookies, couscous, corn, coffee.
We saw Harold and Maude on Monday. Tonight they're doing Paper Moon at Brooklyn Bridge, which is cool, but even more exciting is To Catch a Thief, which is one of my favorite movies of all time. That's next Thursday.
Right now I think I am going to watch A Room With a View which my father recommended to me yesterday after watching it with my mom:
"Our TV went out, the cable, so we've been dusting off our DVDs and watching those. A Room With a View, now there's something that was really most excellent. Helena Bonham Carter is nineteen or so, and she has so much hair, and it's puffed up like that early 1900s Edwardian, with the bonnet attached. And then there's Daniel Day-Lewis, who," he laughs, "in this movie? He's just a FOP. A giant FOP."
A Room With a View,
Fat Books,
My Scribbles,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Walking on Broken Snacks

I'm living in an empty room
With all the windows smashed
And I've got so little left to lose
That it feels just like I'm walking on broken glass
(Lest we forget John Malkovich)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Snack Sack
I have a Hangover!
It's nothing a little Gatorade can't cure.
So, in keeping with the nature of Snacks, this post is going to be chock full of morsels that are varied and discernible in subject matter, that are quite separate entities.
First off: I did not know that Dumpster was a brand.
Secondly, a Limerick based on the names of people i know:
i did not want to walk very fartits
so i got on my yacktits
and rode all the way backtits
and had one more drink at the barrtits
Lastly, a To-Do List:

Looking Forward to This,
Silly Pomes,
what are snacks?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Snackstreet Boys

I Would Sit By My Radio And Wait For This To Come On
This Was My Favorite Part of Middle School Dances
My first Backstreet Boys concert, I originally didn't have tickets to because people camped all night outside of Dillard's and even though we got there at 6 am, the line was already too long. My dad took me to the arena the day of the show and we bought scalped tickets for like hundreds of dollars. We didn't know until we got inside that they were in the handicapped section. This was a fact I was, at the time, oblivious to; the notion of tact in that situation was not really landing in my tiny prepubescent brain. So I was standing and jumping up and down and screaming and dancing wildly and...let's just say my father was probably dying of a shame I was too young and starstruck to understand.
This one's for you, dad.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Annie Lennox Snack

(Thank You Dani for reminding me that this exists)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Bob Snack

"Carelessness. I lost my one true love. I started drinking. The first thing I know, I'm in a card game. Then I'm in a crap game. I wake up in a pool hall. Then this big Mexican lady drags me off the table, takes me to Philadelphia. She leaves me alone in her house, and it burns down. I wind up in Phoenix. I get a job as a Chinaman. I start working in a dime store, and move in with a 13-year-old girl. Then this big Mexican lady from Philadelphia comes in and burns the house down. I go down to Dallas. I get a job as a "before" in a Charles Atlas "before and after" ad. I move in with a delivery boy who can cook fantastic chili and hot dogs. Then this 13-year-old girl from Phoenix comes and burns the house down. The delivery boy — he ain't so mild: He gives her the knife, and the next thing I know I'm in Omaha. It's so cold there, by this time I'm robbing my own bicycles and frying my own fish. I stumble onto some luck and get a job as a carburetor out at the hot-rod races every Thursday night. I move in with a high school teacher who also does a little plumbing on the side, who ain't much to look at, but who's built a special kind of refrigerator that can turn newspaper into lettuce. Everything's going good until that delivery boy shows up and tries to knife me. Needless to say, he burned the house down, and I hit the road. The first guy that picked me up asked me if I wanted to be a star. What could I say?"
Monday, July 6, 2009
Update Snack

Call me corny or call me sentimental. (You can. Seriously. Both of these things may be true.) But Twelfth Night has been my favorite Shakespeare show since very early memory. It was the first Shakespeare I ever saw, actually; in Telluride, after fishing or playing soccer or something else with my family when I was young, we stumbled upon an evening production in one of their giant parks. It was the scene where Toby Belch and Andrew Aguecheek and that other guy are hiding in the bushes while Malvolio reads the faulty letter. And my brother literally could not stop laughing. He was laughing so hard through the next few scenes that the usher had to come over him and tell us to calm him down or we would have to leave. I think we ended up leaving. I hadn't scene a production since then, but I did Viola's monologues in high school. And there was the time in Actors and Directors in college, where someone did a scene from it and Mary Robinson laughed so hard that she fell off her chair. The class stopped in horror and a fit of giggles, and from behind the risers in the corner we saw her hand frantically waving us on: "I'M FINE! KEEP GOING."
And the production I saw tonight lived up to all of my expectations and childhood memories. Anne Hathaway was mesmerizing, Audra MacDonald was radiant, Hamish Linklater was da best. I laughed hard (though not as hard as my brother...?), I cried a little (for happy rather than sad), and I felt a distinct surge of joy throughout, and rightness. I had better seats than Angela Lansbury. Opa was probably jealous of me, or he was there, smiling, wondering if she'll ever do a follow-up to Murder, She Wrote.
And tonight was a Full Moon.
W[h]ine Snack

Ugh! I had to wake up at FIVE THIRTY this morning because I HAD to go to wait in line for tickets in Central Park for Twelfth Night. And I spent SIX HOURS reading a novel and the Sunday Times and eating a BaconEggAndCheese under a gigantic TREE. Ugh, and then I got some of the LAST tickets! Ugh, and then I had to WALK home through Central Park and all I saw were hilarious DUCKS and some young gentlemen STICKFIGHTING and and old man teaching his granddaughters how to FISH. And THEN I went home and made pasta and watched 30 ROCK and read more of this TOME that I started in the morning. And NOW I have to get READY for the SHOW, during which the imbibing of ALCOHOL from SELF-PREPARED PLASTIC BOTTLES is READILY AND HEARTILY CONDONED. UGH.
Woe is me and my awesome day.
"Elsewhere in the world may be blustering or sleeping, wars are fought, people live and die, some nations disintegrate, while others are born, soon to be swallowed up in turn--and in all this sound and fury, amidst eruptions and undertows, while the world goes its merry way, bursts into flames, tears itself apart and is reborn: human life continues to throb.
"So, let us drink a cup of tea."
-Muriel Barbery, The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Missin My Cousins Snack
"Last week
Thought I saw you on the street
Turns out it was a bag of trash."
Saturday, July 4, 2009
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