Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Art of Mastering Snacks

Last night after Fresh Ground Pepper and Fresh Ground Pepper Presents: A Rooftop Showing of Back to the Future, Scoville and I made the perfect Ramen. It was perfect.

Then we ate other things, like sandwiches with chips on them.

Eat your heart out, Julie & Julia. (Also. I liked you! You were A Cute Movie!)

1 comment:

andrew j scoville said...

The Ramen was perfect... but chips on sandwiches are truly my JAMMMM. I know many have found this satisfying crunch in their own lunch/dinner/5am meals, but it all started for me on hamburger day in elementary school. No fries came with the meal, but you got potato chips. It seemed natural. As someone who has been eating chips on sandwiches for over 15 years, I am going to make this reccomendation now: honey mustard and sour cream & cheddar chips... the rest is up to you. Dont knock it till you try it. Seriously. That shit it good.