Saturday, May 9, 2009

Button Snack

So Scoville wanted me to find out more about that Button Factory song because he was too lazy to do it himself. You know that song? It's like "Hello, my name is Joe and I work at a Button Factory." You probably learned it in like second grade during that weird art/music/p.e. period that may or may not have occurred before morning recess (Shout out to you, Booker T. Washington Elementary!! What up, Principal Hamilton?!?!). Or at Girl Scout camp, around a giant bonfire or in the mess hall right before each Troop showed their weird skits and probably after we all made those American Flags out of red, clear, and blue beads.

I guess some people named Peter and Ellen Allard wrote it. It's available on a website, to download! People, Teachers, and Summer Camps use it for teaching. I know this because it is listed on such dynamite databases as "" and ""

These Are The Lyrics

As you can see, the song conducts one singular revolution of the appendages. Its syncopated rhythm implies blah blah blah analysis blah.

Here is a link to listen to the song

I am a big fan of buttons. I used to collect them when I found them in the street, on the playground, on the floor at Fiesta Mall. I would buy weird ones at the craft store shaped like ducks or trains. Then I strung a bunch of them up on a string and hung it over the window in my room.

This was the beginning of my penchant for collecting odd knickknacks.

Some of the things I have found and kept recently
-A hologrammed Happy Feet bookmark (on the stairs of the subway)
-A weird old round-dial pay phone (cleaning out the Robert Moss nee Linhart Theater)
-An old watch I used to play with as a kid (a pouch under my bed during the neverending organization of the random shit in my room)

I think I would like to work in a Button Factory.

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