Friday, September 26, 2008


A reminder to all of those Presidential hopefuls in the wake of debate-time. Big ups to Willy Shakes for laying it out loud and clear.

Subject: A Rebirth of Snacks

Originally Sent June 20, 2008

Snacks on Speechmaking:

-Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue.

-Do not saw the airtoo much with your hand, thus, but use all gently; for in the very torrent, tempest, and, as I may say, the whirlwind of passion, you must acquire and beget a temperance that may give it smoothness.

-Be not too tame neither, but let your own discretion be your tutor: suit the action to the word, the word to the action; with this special o'erstep not the modesty of nature: for any thing so overdone is from the purpose of playing, whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature; to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure.

-O, reform it altogether. And let those that play your clowns speak no more than is set down for them; for there be of them that will themselves laugh, to set on some quantity of barren spectators to laugh too; though, in the mean time, some necessary question of the play be then to be considered: that's villanous, and shows a most pitiful ambition in the fool that uses it.

-Go, make you ready.
fotografia courtesy of reuters.

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